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Memory Box

All you need is a box which you might like to decorate. Fill your memory box with items that remind you of your parent, and the times you spent together. Remember to get permission before you take an object. Here are some examples:

Jewellery, watches, scarfs, wallets, photographs, letters, lipstick, holiday postcards, favourite DVD, glasses, passport, aftershave bottles.

Try to fill your box with objects that have a story or a memory attached to it. You could write a note for each item you put in describing why that item is important to you.

It can be a nice idea to keep the memory boxes going for years and years by adding things you might have wanted to share with your Mum or Dad, like an achievement certificate, or a piece of writing or drawing.

In the future you might like to share your memory box with family and friends. It can be really nice to share each other’s memories and talk about how they make feel.